Baylor University Executive Mba Program
Posted by admin- in Home -29/09/17Our Senior Consultants and Coaches. The following senior consultants have worked with us in organizations as large. Microsoft and with a wide variety of cultures. Weve deployed the following. Each has extensive experience in consultation and is certified. Certificate in facilitating our peer coaching groups and many. In each project, each. Meet the executive leadership team driving Gates Corporations innovative approach to belt, hose, and hydraulic solutions. View Gates bios. Melissa Bragg was named director of gift planning in March. Bragg earned her undergraduate degree from Texas AM and her MBA from Texas AMCentral Texas. Alberta Lloyd, BS, MBAAnita Bhasin, BA, MS, MS in Organization Development. Annie Bullert, BS, MS, MBA, Coach Certification. Bobbi Riemenschneider, BA, MA, Coach Certification. Carter Mc. Namara, BA, BS, MBA, Ph. DDebbie Okerlund, BA, LSW, Coach Certification. Ginny Belden Charles, BS, MS in Organization Development. Jan Smith, MS, MA in Organizational Behavior. Janice Shapiro, BPh. Jim Smith, BS, MA in Organizational Behavior. Julia Fabris Mc. Bride, BA, Coach Certification. Karen Lanson, MA, Licensed Psychologist, Coach. Certification. Kristin Johnstad, BA, MA, Coach Certification. Lisa Chapman, BBA, MBALois Albrecht, BA, Coach Certification. Pam Solberg Tapper, BS, MA, Coach Certification. Rhonda C. Hight, Coach Certification. The list of schools of public health and public health programs accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health. Rolfe Larson, MBATeri Mc. Namara, BSSteve Ober, BA, MS, MTS, Ed. D in Organizational. Studies. Alberta Lloyd, BA, MBAAlberta has over. Alberta received her Bachelors Degree from Hunter College in New York and her. MBA from Mercer University in Atlanta, Georgia. She is an adjunct instructor. Mercer University, Keller Graduate Management School. She has also taught. Cultural Diversity courses for Axia College in Phoenix, Arizona. She. is certified in our peer coaching group facilitation. Anita Bhasin, BA, MS, MS in Organization. Development. Anita has over 2. Wang, The Santa. Cruz Operation SCO and Microsoft. The common theme to her work. Anita now focuses on tapping into the sage ways that are inherent. Anita has worked overseas in both Europe, Middle East and Africa. India. She holds a BA in Business Studies. Masters degree in Marketing from Manchester University. England, and Masters in Organization Development at the renowned. Pepperdine University. Annie Bullert, BS, MS, MBA, Coach. Certification. Annies experience. Annie has an MBA HR OD and Generalist. Certificates from the University of St. Thomas, Master of Science Exercise. Physiology from Saint Cloud State University, and Bachelor of Science Marketing. Community Health Majors from Saint Cloud State University. She has certifications. Authenticity Consulting Certificate in peer learning facilitation. Coaches Training Institute Certification, Lean Sigma White Belt and Herrmann. Brain Dominance Thinking Style Instructor HBDI certified. Bobbi Riemenschneider, BA, MA. Coach Certification. Bobbi. collaborates with individuals and groups choosing to explore opportunities and. She has honed her. She is committed to working with. She offers individual. She has. a Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics from Smith College, and a Master of Education. American University. She is a Certified Professional Coactive Coach with. Coaches Training Institute. She is certified in our peer coaching. Carter Mc. Namara, BA, BS, MBA, Ph. DCarter has over 2. He is developer of Authenticity. Consultings peer coaching group model, which has been customized. He has. real life experience leading in all types of organizations, as. He has a BS in Social and Behavior Sciences from Mary College. BS in Computer Science from the University of North Dakota, MBA. University of St. Thomas and Ph. D in Human and Organizational. Development from The Union Institute. He has been published in. Among his awards are the Organization. Development Practitioner of the Year from the Minnesota. Organization Development Network and the Business Excellence. Award from the University of St. Thomas. Debbie Okerlund, BA, LSW, Coach Certification. Debbie has 3. 0. years experience as a leader, coach, manager, trainer and presenter, including. She has extensive experience. She has extensive coaching training. Thomas Leonard Graduate School of Coaching, Advanced Coaches Training. Coaches Training Institute. She has a BA in Social Work from the University. Wisconsin and is a Licensed Social Worker. She also is a qualified trainer. Myers Briggs Type Indicator REG and is certified in our peer coaching. Ginny Belden Charles, BS, MS in. Organization Development. Ginny Belden Charles of Belden. Charles Inc. guides leaders and groups to engage, organize and make a difference. She has 3. 0 years experience as an organizationleadership consultant, educator. Ginny is the cofounder of. Waterline Coaching method and the Womens Leadership Community, a learning. She has a B. S. in education from the University. MN, an MS in Organization Development from Pepperdine University and is a. Ph. D candidate with Tilburg University in the Netherlands. She serves as adjunct. Pepperdines MSOD and St. Catherines University Master of. Art in Organization Leadership, and is certified in our peer coaching group. Jan Smith, MS, MA in Organizational. Behavior. Jan. has 2. Honeywell. 3. M and Microsoft doing team learning, leadership development and large group. She designs classes for Capella University and leads change. Europe, Asia and Africa. She received the Organization Development. Practitioner Of The Year award from the Minnesota Organization Development. Network. Jan is certified in Myers Briggs, Institute of Cultural Affairs, and. Jan has a BS in Cultural. Anthropology from California State University at San Jose and an MA in Organizational. Behavior from Brigham Young University. Janice Shapiro, BPh. Janice. has over 2. She has achieved success. She has a strong reputation. Janice exhibits a natural ease and expertise in facilitating group. She is certified in our peer coaching group facilitation. She is a graduate. James P. Shannon Leadership Institute for Nonprofit Executives, an invitation only. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, St. Paul, MN. Jim Smith, BS, MA in Organizational. Behavior. Jim. has 2. M, Microsoft, Shell Oil and government manage organization. US, India. Singapore and Europe. Jim teaches Organizational Development at Capella University. He received the Larry Porter Award from the National Organizational Development. Network and the Organization Development Professional Of The Year. Minnesota chapter of the American Society of Training and Development. He certified in our peer coaching group facilitation. Jim has a BA in Business. California State University at San Jose, and an MA in Organizational Behavior. Brigham Young University. Julia Fabris Mc. Bride, BA, Coach. Certification. Julia. Life and Leadership Coach and helps individuals and organizations to know. Julia is an International. Coach Federation ICF Certified Coach, a graduate of Coach University and president. Wichita Chapter of ICF. She is also a certified Body Mind Life Coaching. Center for Conflict Resolution. Chicago. She holds a B. A. from Case Western Reserve University, and is a. Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She is. certified in our peer coaching group facilitation. Karen Lanson, MA, Licensed Psychologist. Coach Certification. Karen has 2. 0. years experience in business, employee assistance programs, organization leadership. She has used a range of. MBTI, the Mobius Model Group Assessment. Instrument and the Bar On Emotional Quotient Inventory. She is certified. Karen holds an M. A. and Educational. Specialist degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri. Her credentials as a Psychologist and Certified Employee Assistance Professional. Karen is also a recent, long time Co Chair.