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Posted by admin- in Home -15/10/17Westerns and Cliffhangers on Videotape and DVD. and a few companies still offer film. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. If you are a teacher searching for educational material, please visit PBS LearningMedia for a wide range of free digital resources spanning preschool through 12th grade. PassUser Image Tag Helper. Steve hsu Serial396691091861019254 MATHTYPE 3. 0. 4531. USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is an agreedupon standard that makes sure if you buy kit with USB technology built in, then its all going to work happily together. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on CNN. com. Get the latest breaking news across the U. S. on ABCNews. com. Street Terms Drugs and the Drug Trade. Street Terms Drugs and the Drug Trade. The ability to understand current drug related street terms is an invaluable tool for law enforcement, public health, and other criminal justice professionals who work with the public. This document contains over 7. All terms are cross referenced where possible. A single term or similar terms may refer to various drugs or have different meanings, reecting geographic and demographic variations in slang. All known meanings and spellings are included. No attempt was made to determine which usage is most frequent or widespread. Different denitions for a single term are separated by semi colons. The use of commas, and the connective and indicates that the term refers to the use of the specied drugs in combination. The street terms are compiled from a variety of sources, including published information from law enforcement, health professionals, and other reliable sources. Misc. 0. 07s EcstasyMDMA1. LSD1. 51 Crack cocaine. Ball Injecting drugs into the eyeball. Crack cocaine. 25s LSD2. CB Nexus. 2 for 1 sale A marketing scheme designed to promote and increase crack sales. Marijuana and crack rolled in a joint. Oxy. Contin pill. Bar Oxy. Contin pill. Marijuana use. 45 Minute Psychosis DMT5. Morons Cars lined up to buy crack cocaine. Combination of crack cocaine with marijuana or tobacco. EcstasyMDMA7. 14s Methaqualone Quaalude 8. Oxy. Contin pill. A LSD amphetamine. Abandominiums Abandoned row houses where drugs are used. Abe 5 worth of drugs. Abes Cabe 5 bill. Abolic Veterinary steroids. A Bomb Marijuana cigarette with heroin or opium. A Boot Under the inuence of drugs. ACDC Codeine cough syrup. Acapulco Gold Marijuana from S. W. Mexico marijuana. Acapulco Red Marijuana. Ace Marijuana Cigarette PCPAcid LSDAcid Cube Sugar cube containing LSDAcid Freak Heavy user of LSDAcid Head Regular user of LSDAcido Spanish Hallucinogens LSDAd PCP drug addict. Adam EcstasyMDMAAeon Flux LSDAfgani Indica Marijuana. African Marijuana. African Black Marijuana. African Bush Marijuana. African Woodbine Marijuana cigarette. Agonies Withdrawal symptoms. Ah Pen Yen Opium. Ahh Ahh Injecting drugs into the eyeball. Aimes Amyl nitrite. Aimies Amphetamine amyl nitrite. AIP Heroin from Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan. Air Blast Inhalants. Airhead Marijuana user. Airplane Marijuana. Al Caone Heroin. Alice B Toklas Marijuana brownie. All Lit Up Under the inuence of drugs. All Star User of multiple drugs. All American Drug Cocaine. Alpha ET Alpha ethyltryptamine. Ames Amyl nitrite. Amidone Methadone. Amoeba PCPAmp Amphetamine marijuana dipped in formaldehyde or embalming uid, sometimes laced with PCP and smoked. Amp Head LSD user. Amp Joint Marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic. Amped High on amphetamines. Amped Out Fatigue after using amphetamine. Amping Accelerated heartbeat. AMT DMTAmys Amyl nitrite. Analdrool Anal steroids. Anatron Injectable steroids. Anavar Oral steroids. Angel PCPAngel Dust PCPAngel Eyes Overdose. Angel Hair PCPAngel Mist PCPAngel Poke PCP stick form Angie Cocaine. Angola Marijuana. Animal LSDAnimal Trank PCPAnimal Tranq PCPAnimal Tranquilizer PCPAntifreeze Heroin. Apache Fentanyl. Apple Jacks Crack cocaine. Apeshit PCP intoxication. Are You Insane Do you use PCP Aries Heroin. Aries K Ketamine. Arnolds Steroids. Aroma Of Men Isobutyl nitrite. Around The Bend Overdose amphetamine psychosis. Around The Turn Having gone through withdrawal period. Artillery Equipment for injecting drugs. Ashes Marijuana. Aspirin Powder cocaine. Assassin of Youth Marijuana. Astro Turf Marijuana. Atom Bomb Marijuana mixed with heroin. Atomic Willie EcstasyMDMAAtshitshi Marijuana. Aunt Powder cocaine. Aunt Hazel Heroin. Aunt Mary Marijuana. Aunt Nora Cocaine. Aunti Opium. Auntie Emma Opium. Aurora Borealis PCPAuthor Doctor who writes illegal prescriptions. B Amount of marijuana to ll a matchbox. B 4. 0 Cigar laced with marijuana and gunpowder. B. J. s Crack cocaine. Babe Drug used for detoxication. Baby Marijuana. Baby Bhang Marijuana. Baby Habit Occasional use of drugs. Baby T Crack cocaine. Babysit Guide someone through rst drug experience. Babysitter Marijuana. Back Breakers LSD and strychnine. Back Dex Amphetamine. Back Door Residue left in a pipe. Back Jack Injecting opium to inject a drug. Back To Back Smoking crack after injecting heroin or heroin used after smoking crack. Backtrack Allow blood to ow back into a needle during injection. Backup To prepare a vein for injection. Backwards Depressants. Bad Crack cocaine. Bad Bundle Inferior quality heroin damaged heroin. Bad Day At The Office Low drug sales Bad reaction to a drug. Bad Go Bad reaction to a drug. Bad Seed Marijuana combined with peyote heroin. Badrock Crack cocaine. Bag Container for drugs a package of drugs, usually marijuana or heroin a persons favorite drug wife. Bag Bride Crack smoking prostitute. Bag Man Person who transports money a person who supplies narcotics or other drugs, a pusher. Bagging Using inhalants. Baker Person who smokes marijuana. Bale Marijuana. Ball Crack cocaine Mexican black tar heroin. Balling Vaginally implanted cocaine. Balloon Heroin supplier a penny balloon that contains narcotics. Ballot Heroin. Bam Amphetamine depressants. Bamba Marijuana. Bambalacha Marijuana. Bambita Desoxyn or amphetamine derivative. Bambs Depressants. Bammies A poor quality of marijuana. Bammy Marijuana. Banana Split Combination of 2. C B Nexus with other illicit substances, particularly LSDBanano Marijuana or tobacco cigarettes laced with cocaine. Bang Inhalants to inject a drug. Banging Under the inuence of drugs. Bank Bandit Pills Depressants. Bar Marijuana. Barb Depressants. Barbies Depressants. Barbs Cocaine. Barr Codeine cough syrup. Barrels LSDBars Heroin mixed with alprazolam. Bart Simpson Heroin. Basa Crack cocaine. Base Cocaine crack. Base Crazies Searching on hands and knees for cocaine or crack. Base Head A person who bases. Baseball Crack cocaine. Based Out To have lost control over basing. Bash Marijuana. Basing Crack cocaine. Basuco Spanish Cocaine Coca paste residue sprinkled on regular or marijuana cigarette. Bathtub Crank Poor quality methamphetamine methamphetamine produced in bathtubs. Bathtub Speed Methcathinone. Batman Cocaine heroin. Batmans EcstasyMDMABatshit Intense Injecting drugs into the eyeball. Batt IV needle hypodermic needle. Batted Out Apprehended by law. Battery Acid LSDBatu Smokeable methamphetamine. Bazooka Cocaine combination of crack and marijuana crack and tobacco combined in a joint coca paste and marijuana. Bazulco Cocaine. B Bombs Amphetamines EcstasyMDMABC Bud Marijuana from British Columbia synonymous with any high grade marijuana from Canada. BDMPEA Nexus. Beam Cocaine. Beam Me Up Scottie Cocaine powder or crack combined with PCPBeam Me Up Scotty PCP and crack. Beamer Crack smoker. Beamers Crack cocaine. Bean A capsule containing drugs MDMABeannies Methamphetamine. Beans Crack cocaine mescaline amphetamine depressants. Beast Heroin plus LSDBeat Crack cocaine. Beat Artist Person selling bogus drugs. Beat Vials Vials containing sham crack to cheat buyers.