Banking Terminology For Bank Po Exam Pdf

Banking Terminology For Bank Po Exam Pdf

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Moral Thinkers Philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. E5P1 Video Lecture by Kavan Limbasiya Rank 1. UPSC 2. 01. 4Ancient Greek Thinkers. Method of dialectic Plato and Socrates. Socrates 4. 69 3. BCAnti Sophist. Coaching method of Socrates. Banking Terminology For Bank Po Exam Pdf' title='Banking Terminology For Bank Po Exam Pdf' />Plato 4. BCForm, ideas and realms. Plato Hated BAMA Arts graduates. Conflicts classes. Hater of Democracy. Books contribution. Aristotle 3. 84 3. BCVirtue, Ethics golden mean. Happiness. Politics. Vagueness of Practical Sciences. Unequal Society. E4P1 Lecture by Kavan Limbasiya Rank 1. UPSC 2. 01. 4click to watch the video of lecture. First we start with Western Moral thinkers, then well look at IndianEastern moral thinkers. Youtube Link youtube. BFCWJ3. ZLw. UAncient Greek Thinkers. Socrates, Aristotle, Plato. All three of them advocated Virtue Ethics Temperance, Justice, Character. Method of dialectic Plato and Socrates. How does knowledge come out One way Guru to give sermons to his disciples. But Plato and Socrates adopted the Method of dialectic doing Question and answer session with the audience, and thus knowledge came out. Also known as mid wifery method. Just like Mid wife facilitates the birth of a child from mother. Same way knowledge is inside, you just need to search and bring it out. Socrates called up a slave and with dialectic method, he brought out a theorem of mathematics, thereby proving all men are equal whether slave or aristocrat. Dialectic method is a mature method to elicit knowledge. Sophists used rhetoric method propaganda to gain emotional response from the audience, instead of moral reasoning. They had degraded the culture of dialogue in Greek. Similarly, today twitter and Facebook has degraded the culture of dialogue among youth. Both Socrates and Plato were against democracy, because in their times, Junta was unaware, due to lack of quality public dialogue. Socrates 4. 69 3. BCAnti SophistSophists was a philosophical school in the Greek society. They promoted a corrupted society, namesake democracy, might is right, full of moral corruption. IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2017 and Score Card Out Check Your Score Here. Dear Readers, IBPS PO Prelims 2017 Score Card. You can Check your Score Card here. IBPS PO Books Online IBPS PO Syllabus Preparation Books Study Material Question Papers free download online Prelims Mains paper 2017. Banking Terminology For Bank Po Exam Pdf' title='Banking Terminology For Bank Po Exam Pdf' />So, Socrates promoted ideas of Moral virtues against ideas of Sophism. Subsequently, he fell out from the eyes of the government. People might have considered him a threat because of he associated with Aristocratic Youth like Plato. Similar groups of Aristocratic Youths had played a pivotal role in befalling the Democracy in 4. BC 4. 04 BC in Athens. Socrates was charged with Corrupting the youth of the city. Fl Studio 10 Producer Edition For Mac. He was given a chance to defend himself, but he didnt. In the contemporary Athens, people were tried before a court of fellow citizens numbering hundreds. This made the skill of Rhetoric very importantHe was sent to jail, and chance to escape from there, but he didnt. He was given desi liquor poison in the jail, he drank it and died. Naturally, Plato reacted to it by terming it as a wicked shameful act since then, he is believed to be martyr for reason truth. John Stuart Mill compared it with Christs Crucifixion. Socrates vs. Other coaching class wallas. Before Socrates. Socrates. Sophists. Thales, Empedocles, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Democritus etc. Virtue e. g. love, justice, morality, courage, friendship etc. Method of rhetoric persuasion. Coaching method of Socrates. Did not give handouts. Socrates believed that Philosophy could be properly taught practiced by oral methods only. He considered writing was an inappropriate technique. Most of the knowledge available about Socrates is through the works of Plato his disciple. May be he didnt care about being famous. Did not take feesunlike Sophists, Socrates never charged for his coaching services. Did not claim to be omniscient. Instead of claiming to know anything, Socrates disguised as an Ignorant that he did not think he knew answers to all the questions. Plato said Only Socrates knew that he knew nothing, and it was this knowledge which made him wiser than everyone else. Did not dictate model answers. Socrates seldom came with the final answer himselfbut rather stimulated excitement in the people to take interest in the questions raised by him and made people appreciate the difficulties in the attempts to find the solution. Socrates questioning revealed peoples ignorance aroused peoples interest in fundamental philosophical questions. Gave personal coaching. Socrates method of Dialectic which involved a sympathetic personal relationship between the teacher the student is still also called Socrates Method. In this, the teacher truly understands the students difficulties and counsels him gradually in the right direction. To sum up, Socrates philosophy remained totally centered around Values. If you will take my advice, you will think little of Socrates, and a great deal more of truth Socrates. Moral Heroism. Socrates is regarded as the founder of Moral Philosophy. He founded the method of trying to reach truth by persistent questioning. To Quote Mill Socrates wasAcknowledged master of all the eminent thinkers who have since livedthe man who probably of all then born had deserved least of mankind to be put to death as a criminalPlato 4. BCHe was a disciple of Socrates and propagated his ideas further. He was the first western thinker who wrote his works whose works remained intact. Socrates only discussed about moral problems whereas Plato discussed Moral as well as worldly philosophical problems with equal importance. These also included Mathematics, nature etc. But Plato always agreed with Socrates that the real harm possible to a person is the harm to the soul and therefore it is preferable to suffer wrong than commit it. Just like Socrates, Plato taught people to to think of oneself and any question independently to be ready to question everybody everything. To quote Plato Philosophy begins in wonderHe also rejected the idea that virtue is solely a matter of knowing what is right. Thus, he gave practice of truth more important than preachingknowing. Form, ideas and realms. Plato gave a theory of Form Idea Everything in this world is a decaying copy of something whose ideal form exists outside space time. Visible world where everything is always becoming something but nothing is permanent Everything is becoming, nothing is Plato. This was further developed into the philosophy of Body Soul known as Platonism became source for Christian Philosophies as well. Thus, Socrates Plato were also referred by later Christians as Christians before Christ. Plato Hated BAMA Arts graduates. Plato advocated austerity and self abnegation. Soul should remain aloof from bodily pleasures. Subordination of individual wishesaims for communal life. Because of above ideas, Plato was hostile to arts stream, claiming that. Arts is a danger to soul. Theyre doubly deceptive, who glamorized bejeweled emotional attachment towards the worldly things They keep a person away from grasping the other realm. Plato Hated Democracy also. Plato was even more critical of democracy than Socrates, because his guru Socrates was hanged in Democracy. Plato said typical Democratic Character is superficial, feckless easily led due to too much liberty idea that all are equal. Such democratic people are easy prey for manipulative, power hungry which gradually turns democracy into tyranny.