Little Busters Ex English Patch
Posted by admin- in Home -05/10/17HOUSE CURSES Your browser does not support the audio element. This is NOT the website of Gene Moody. It is the website of DEMONBUSTER. COM. THE BLOOD OF JESUS CLEANSES YOU FROM ALL SIN AND GUILT 1 JOHN 1 7. JESUS IS THE DELIVERER DEMONBUSTER. COMGENE AND EARLINE MOODYDELIVERANCE MANUAL MAIN PAGE IS ATNO DEMONS ALLOWEDHOUSE CURSES Written By Earline Moody TABLE OF CONTENTS1. SCRIPTURES2. TESTIMONIES 1. Seven month Old Child 2. Marie Moody 3. Asian People. SHOULD HOUSES BE CLEANSED OF EVIL SPIRITS CURSED OBJECTS AND POSSESSIONS 1. Cursed Objects 2. A Word About Incense 3. Cursed Objects and Demon Infestation 4. Cursed and Inanimate Objects 5. Summary. 5. SIGNS AND SYMBOLS 1. This little slut didnt speak much English, so she had no idea what she was in for. We took Maren back to the boat and gave her two big black cocks on the high seas. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Torrentz domain names are for sale. Send an offer to contactinventoris. pl. Hex Signs 2. Symbols of Hex Signs 3. Masonic Symbols 4. Symbols. 6. TOYS 1. Dolls 2. Dolls in Toledo, Ohio 3. Baby Seven Months Old 4. Satan In The Toy Store 5. Toys Having Either Occult Linkage, 6. Actions or Excessive Violence 7. Summary of Toys. 7. CLEANING YOUR HOUSE OF DEMONIC OBJECTS 1. To Exorcise Inanimate Objects 2. Five Steps To Cleaning House. DEMONBUSTER. COM GENE AND EARLINE MOODY DELIVERANCE MANUAL MAIN PAGE IS AT http NO DEMONS ALLOWED. HOUSE CURSES. Written By Earline Moody. PRAYER9. REFERENCES SCRIPTURESL is scripture for lesson C is scripture for cleaning your house L Ex. Graven Image Jesus picture He did not have white skinC Num. Can only curse if God curses notice that God curses. L Deut. 7 2. 5 2. Those who keep or own cursed objects you are cursed. L Deut. 1. 4 7 1. Unclean animals something for you to think about. C Deut. 2. 1 2. Anyone hanged is accursed of God. C Deut. 3. 2 5,1. Have corrupted themselves. Have worshipped devils demons. C Josh. 6 1. 8Those who keep or own cursed objects are cursed. C II Sam. 7 2. Blessing of the Lord. L Prov. 3 3. 3Curse of the Lord on house of the wicked. L Jer. 4. 8 1. Deceitful worker of the Lord is cursed. C Gal. 3 1. 3Christ has redeemed us from the curse must be applied. C Col. 2 1. 4 1. Blotting out ordinances against us. L II Tim. 4 4. They will not endure sound doctrine. C Rev. 1. 2 1. Overcome by word of testimony. C Rev. 2. 2 3. No more curse in Heaven. TESTIMONIES Seven month Old Child. Earline and I were working with a mother and her child who was seven months old. As we were taking the mother through prayers for her sins, the child spoke and said, NO GENE NO. As you know, children of this age can not speak. What do you think spoke through the child a demon Marie Moody. Some friends of ours were ministers who went to Haiti. One time they brought us some carved figurines as a gift. These statutes caused us strife in the family. Our daughter, Marie, felt like there were eyes watching her as she walked across the room. The Lord finally got our attention and we destroyed the wood figures. The wood would not burn normally and finally I had to soak them in charcoal lighter fluid. When they finally burned, a green flame came out and shot toward us. These dolls were probably made by Voodoo worshipers who blessed them so that they would be sold. After getting rid of the statutes, the strife left our family. What do you think the green flame was a demonAsian People. One of my favorite examples is that of the Buddha. Do you have a cute little Buddha sitting in your house If so, you are cursed because you have a cursed object in your home. Another example is the family alter for worship of dead ancestors. This is spiritual idolatry and brings curses to the family. God took Pastor Jesse Duplantis to Heaven while he was alive. He saw many Asian children but few Asian adults. Apparently the Asian world is caught in a death trap of Asian religions and will go to Hell. Asia has half of the world population. The children are innocent if they die before the age of accountability and will go to Heaven. An Asian church was meeting in an Odd Fellow Lodge. This is Masonry, a false religion, and cursed the church. Who knows how much damage was done SHOULD HOUSES BE CLEANSED OF EVIL SPIRITS EXCERPTSDue to my involvement with demons through deliverance, I have heard many reports of unusual demon activities in connection with houses and objects. Books and objects identified with anything related to Satans kingdom have been known to attract demons. Sinful activities on the part of former residents account for some houses needing to be cleansed. Many have told of hearing voices or sounds in their houses. Such manifestations are sometimes called poltergeist, a German word meaning knocking or noisy ghosts. What about the owls and frogs These are classified among the creatures mentioned in Deut. They are types of demon spirits. The graven images of their gods you shall burn with fire, you shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it for it is an abomination to the Lord your God. Neither shall you bring an abomination an idol into your house, lest you be ensnared by it for it is an abomination to the Lord your GodDeut. Demons are definitely attracted to houses by objects and literature that pertain to false religions, cults, the occult and spiritism. All such materials should be burned or otherwise destroyed. Houses or buildings which are suspect of demon infestation should be cleansed by the authority of the name of Jesus. Those who live in such places should stand on the provisions of the blood of Jesus Christ. Probably the greatest abomination to God is worshiping other gods in any form such as having an idol in your house. NOTES ON WITCHCRAFT, SYMBOLS AND ACCURSED OBJECTS EXCERPTSIn Satan worship, often times the arms are crossed as a sign of submission to and being bound by the devil. Also a sign of rebellion. Often good luck charms, ankhs, astrological symbols and other jewelry with hex signs, etc. Some objects, particularly rings, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry which has been given to a person by someone in witchcraft, will have curses and bring bondage with them. There is a resurgence of hex signs, and ancient geometric and mystical motifs which are being incorporated into designs for clothing, jewelry, decorative objects and china. In antique shops there are often selections of rings, pendants, pins and various kinds of jewelry which were originally designed to bring good luck and to act as a talisman to chase evil. Some of the most popular currently include The Egyptian ankh a cross with a loop at the top which was an ancient fertility symbol the ancient witchcraft sign of the broken cross, popularly known as the peace symbol Chais consists of Hebrew characters spelling the word life Polynesian tikkis, figures and other things a wiggly tail which is called the Italian horn protectors from the evil eye a hand with the index and little fingers pointing up a satanic witchcraft sign and a great variety of crosses, clovers, stars, wishbones, lucky coins, mystic medals, horseshoes and other items. Another interesting thing is how many times in religious fetishes and statues there is a dangerous resident demon power. If it is necessary to do deliverance in a house, it is wise to clean the house spiritually afterward, to head off any trouble which might be caused by spirits remaining in the place. Command the demons to leave the people, house and property. CURSED OBJECTS AND POSSESSIONS Cursed Objects ExcerptsBelievers who have broken with Freemasonry and renounced their vows, should write to the lodge asking that their names be deleted from the membership roll. It is also important that personal regalia or those handed down in the family should be destroyed.